The Digital Strength Initiative

The Digital Strength Initiative (DSI) is a coalition of values-aligned partners brought together to counter the forces of online misinformation.
This initiative is led by the Stanford Social Media Lab. We work with partners that have a vested interest in strengthening society and empowering their constituencies (patients, customers, members, patrons) to build digital strength through promoting digital literacy.
Why should you join?
Whether you are a healthcare organization whose patients may be experiencing a lack of trust in the healthcare system, a financial services company whose customers are being targeted by scams, or educators helping students access reliable online sources, the DSI will provide tools and training to help you build the digital strength and resilience of your constituents.
How does digital strength benefit your constituents?
The initiative’s program can benefit all online users by helping people become more confident and discerning in the knowledge they acquire online. It can have an especially profound impact on at-risk populations such as older adults, minorities, and other groups that are disproportionately targeted with misinformation.
How Partnership Works
Your organization can play a vital role in scaling the digital strength of your constituencies and reinforcing trust in your organization. Together, we’ll build a plan that’s appropriate, relevant, and impactful, considering unique characteristics of your constituencies, opportunities for meaningful interaction, and pre-established communication networks to promote and share the program.
Tap into the power of your organization’s trusted messengers, individuals who can communicate directly with your constituents. Utilize our suite of evidence-based tools, training, and experience to create your targeted approach.
The Digital Tools and Educational Resources
The program’s tools and educational resources are comprised of “do’s and don’ts,” a series of easily accessed, self-directed interactive modules. They have proven effective via rigorous, evidence-based research and testing by the Stanford Social Media Lab. The program is free and available to all.
Our Current Partners
Our roster of partners currently includes MediaWise, Google’s Jigsaw unit, Stanford Impact Labs, and distribution partners such as the American Library Association and state chapters of the AARP.
Please Join Us
To become a partner and improve the digital strength of your organization and its constituencies, contact or visit the webpage for more information.