Article Newspaper/Magazine
The importance of coordination devices in text-based, task-oriented conversations
The present experiment compared the effects of two different interfaces on text-based, computer-mediated communication occurring in real time. In one condition, dyads attempted to solve a figure-matching task while using a WYSIWIS interface in which messages are transmitted character by character. In the other condition, dyads used a standard IRC (Internet Relay Chat) interface in which messages are composed privately and then sent as a message unit. Comparison of the two conditions revealed superior task performance in the IRC condition and more frequent use of verbal turn coordination devices in the WYSIWIS condition. The results are interpreted as evidence for the importance of turn coordination devices in text-based CMC.
Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 1999), 316-317. New York, ACM
Publication Date
May 29, 1999